Sierra Donor Services honors Día de Los Muertos at Sacramento Kings Game
October 31, 2023

Sierra Donor Services honored organ, eye and tissue donors at the Sacramento Kings vs Los Angeles Lakers game on Sunday, October 29. The theme for the evening was Día de Los Muertos, otherwise known as Day of the Dead. This holiday is observed by hundreds of Latinos and other cultures to honor those who have passed away and celebrate their lives.
Día de Los Muertos offers a beautiful platform to honor and remember organ and tissue donors who have given others a second chance at life.
Over 20,000 Californians are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, which make up one-fifth of the national waiting list. The need for transplants far exceeds the number of donations in the area covered by Sierra Donor Services and across the nation. This event brought much-needed awareness to the shortage of organ donors and encouraged attendees to register to #BeTheGift that saves lives!
Thank You to our Ambassadors and Volunteers!
And who better to share the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation than our Donate Life Ambassadors and volunteers?
We were joined by several dedicated Donate Life Ambassadors including…
- Jess & Teresa Chairez, parents of Officer Joseph Chairez, Donor Hero
- Elizabeth Arteaga-Novoa, heart and kidney recipient
- Members of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Sacramento Chapter – Reyna Portillo-Marzocca, MS, BSN, RN, PHN (President) at Sutter Roseville and Maria Gonzalez, RN with Kaiser Roseville.

Click here to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor today!
About Sierra Donor Services
Sierra Donor Services (SDS) serves nearly three million people in Northern California and Northern Nevada. We are an exceptional team of professionals dedicated to saving and improving lives by connecting organ and tissue donation to the patients who need them. We strive to extend the reach of each generous donor’s gift to those who are always profoundly grateful for them.