Beau Kelly, MD
Surgical Director
Beau Kelly is a dedicated surgeon-researcher-teacher-leader in the field of pediatric and adult liver/intestine transplantation, and the Surgical Director for Sierra Donor Services in Northern California.
He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!), his MD degree from Howard University College of Medicine, an MBA from Vanderbilt University, Doctorate of Science studies in bioengineering and cellular and molecular pathophysiology from the University of Cincinnati, graduate certificates in Digital Innovation/Business Analytics from Harvard University, Quality Improvement and Lean Process from Purdue University and Masters in Public Health studies from Boston University.
He is the humble recipient of the Gold Foundation Award for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching. He has over 150 scientific/surgical publications and presentations and has innovated 2 medical device patents. His research interests have ranged from the development of the first reproducible animal model of venous neointimal hyperplasia to building healthcare access equity machine learning and AI algorithms that increase the quality/quantity of life for transplant recipients.
He is most challenged by elevating the patient voice, the representation of underrepresented minorities in academic medicine, and deconstructing the practices and policies that narrow the funnel of brilliant minds entering passionate surgical careers. He has served as the first Black President of the Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation, the American Society of Transplantation Board of Directors, and a founding member of the AST DEI Committee.
He is an avid sports and music enthusiast, and the most-proud father of 5 amazing and talented children.